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Statistics show that newly qualified drivers are more likely to have an accident in the first two years of driving.  Its a known fact that drivers become more experienced the more road miles they do, with a wide variety of road and traffic conditions.

Pass Plus is a voluntary scheme that offers new drivers more instruction and help to:

  • Become a more skillful driver

  • Develop a positive driving style

  • Reduce their risk in being involved in a collision


When you have successfully completed the Pass Plus training you could also qualify for a reduction in your insurance policy.


Insurance companies who support the scheme offer discounts on:

  • Fully comprehensive (covers all)

  • Third Party Fire and Theft (only covers others for damage and you for fire and theft)

  • Third Party only (only covers others) Lowest form of insurance

Pass Plus the Syllabus

Module one: Introduction.

The Instructor will introduce you to the course explaining the disciplines and benefits of Pass Plus.

Town Driving

This is a practical session concentrating on observation, judgment, awareness of others around you, eye contact, keeping a safety margin around you at all times, use of round-a-bouts including multi lane and bus and cycle paths.

All Weather Driving

This module would normally be a theory session (unless you're lucky enough to have inclement weather).  We will discuss safe ways to drive in extreme weather (ice, snow).  You need to know about seeing and being seen, use of appropriate lights, safe speeds, stopping distance, how to correct skids but better than that how to avoid getting into a skid.

Out of Town & Rural Driving

This module is a practical on the road drive featuring driving on all types of rural roads to include bends,  how to deal with them, hills and uneven road surfaces, safe overtaking procedures.

Observation and making progress safely. Seeing and approaching farm entrances, animals, slow moving vehicles.  Watching out for road surface changes,  i.e. mud on road, sharp bends, use of the horn and lights at appropriate times.

Night Driving

This would normally take place after lighting up time however in summer time it would be a Q& A session.

It will cover the correct use of lights, seeing and being seen, reflective signs and road markings (different coloured cats eyes, where and why), adjusting from good light to dusk (transition period).  Being prepared for pedestrians, cyclists and parked vehicles.

Dual Carriageways

This is a practical session to include effective observation and use of mirrors (blind spots when joining and leaving carriageways).  Judging safe following distance, overtaking and safe speeds, signals and road markings.


This will be a practical session on Motorways and will cover joining and leaving, forward planning and observation.  What to do in the event of a breakdown and safety procedures with passengers, returning back onto carriageway after repairs are carried out, emergency services and breakdown services (when you need them).

Would like to say a big thank you to Stewart for getting Jack through his test first time!!! You were a fantastic instructor and made jack at ease once again thanks so much.

Jack Dando passed on 20th March 2014

© 2017 by Hunter Six Ltd

Would like to say a big thank you to Stewart for getting Jack through his test first time!!! You were a fantastic instructor and made jack at ease once again thanks so much.

Jack Dando passed on 20th March 2014

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