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Driving Organisations
You may find the following information helpful.
IAM Institute of Advanced Motorists
0208 994 4403
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
0121 248 2105
Parlimentary Advisory Commitee for Transport Safety
0207 922 8112
0207 401 8740
DSA Postal Address
DSA, The Axis Building, 112 Upper Parliament Street, Nottingham, NG1 6LP
0115 936 6666
0115 936 6570
Booking Line 0300 200 1122
Welsh Line 0300 200 1133
For hearing impaired customers: (Minicom)
PRACTICAL 0300 200 1144
PRACTICAL 0300 200 1155
THEORY 0300 200 1166
THEORY 0300 200 1177
Drivers Enquiries
0300 790 6801
Would like to say a big thank you to Stewart for getting Jack through his test first time!!! You were a fantastic instructor and made jack at ease once again thanks so much.
Jack Dando passed on 20th March 2014
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